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Tibetan Unicode EWTS keyboard

Important note: This is an obsolete version of this keyboard. Unless you have a good reason, click here to install the new version, called tibetan_ewts, instead.

Tibetan Unicode EWTS is based on the Extended Wylie Transliteration Scheme (EWTS), an approach to typing Tibetan which avoids most Shift, Alt, and Alt+Shift combinations. Tibetan characters are created from EWTS -transliteration each time you type a vowel or a Space (tsheg). Special rules apply for long-stacks. This keyboard also features special menus for Tibetan symbols and lets you type Latin and Cyrillic letters.

Keyboard Details

Keyboard ID tibetan unicode ewts
Supported Platforms WindowsmacOS
Author Linguasoft
License freeware
Documentation Help not available.
Source Source not available.
Keyboard Version 2.3
Last Updated 2023-08-11 07:17

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